a world without pollution


We are an innovative waste management company that offers services both in Norway and in Europe.
As a knowledge-based company with professional and experienced employees, we offer a wide range of services for waste management of hazardous and non-hazardous waste.

Perpetuum truck

A company for all your waste-related needs

 Perpetuum daily delivers services related to different kinds of waste management. From collection og ordinary and hazardous waste, to emptying and cleaning of tanks, flushing pipes, wastewater collection or depositing of end-stage waste at our landfill – we get the job done!
In addition to waste management, we also ensure responsible downstream handling. Our transportation vehicles have routes in all variants throughout Northern Norway, and we collect whatever quantity needed from our customers.

Our experienced staff and well equiped machine park always finds a solution. That is why we often also assist with cleaning up oil spill from accidents.

Need help, fast? Call our 24/7 response line!

A competent PFAS treatment company

We provide services for remediation of PFAS contaminated masses, and operate our own landfill for end-stage treatment of different kinds of PFAS contamination.

Supplier of services for the Marine Industry

We have an extensive experience in serving marine vessels across the ports of Northern Norway. Our staff have security clearance for accessing NATO-ports as well.

In need of a waste-related service?

Let us help you!